Dearest Friends,
10,000 Feet High
We are now in the town of Huanuco. We took our first day to get organized and run some errands. Then Pablo, Sam, and I flew to Huanuco while Nemesio and our Peruvian team sacrificially rode 10 hours on a mountain bus to get the equipment here. Today, we all rode a mountain road that looks like the one in the picture above to reach a village school.
We were welcomed by a special marching performance. The teachers also treated us to a lovely lunch. They had big pots of boiled potatoes, rice, chicken, and more. They even thought to put a lovely vase of flowers on the table! It is different in the mountains. There is no salt or butter or many other things that we expect to include with a meal. There was so much love put into the food, and we were all blessed!
My favorite part of the day was all the time we spent with the children. They are very shy and soft spoken. Though they did not pray out loud with me, we talked with many of them and discovered how well they really had listened. One precious little one was so sweet as she told me that she had prayed silently with us. Many children surely trusted God today! What a fantastic day!
Please pray for the children to grow deep and strong in their faith!
In Jesus,
Linda, Sam, Pablo, Nemesio, and our lead Peruvian team