Dearest Friends,


Perhaps some of you have been wondering what happened to me after I left Lebanon. I’m actually in a lovely town of Gex, France, a small town located on the French/Swiss border. I’m staying with Aaron and Helen Stewart, and have been so blessed by my visit with them. Aaron is a former puppeteer, and is doing the video teaching library for the puppet ministry. Since he has served in this work, he has a good understanding of what we are trying to accomplish. We had a few more videos we needed to do to complete the library, so I stopped here on my way home.

This morning I had the sweet privilege of speaking in Crossroads Church in Ferney-Voltaire, France, an English-speaking congregation, full of people from all over the world. I shared at both services, and saw God raise up new prayer support for the work. More, the pastor really enjoyed the stories about the children, and has asked me to come again to share more stories about how God is rescuing them.

I’ve had the best time visiting Aaron and Helen. I’ve especially enjoyed French cheese, a visit to Chillon Castle, and seeing the Alps covered in snow. I am well rested, and feel very blessed for the time I’ve had with Aaron and Helen.

One snowy afternoon in Lebanon, Mahfoud came and told me a wonderful story. He attended a pastor’s conference in another Middle Eastern nation and had met a new friend there. When he entered the meeting room, he noticed that 100+ pastors were sitting on one side of the room, and another man sat by himself, on the opposite side of the room. He immediately decided that he would go and sit by the man who had no friends.

The man told him an incredible story. He was a trash man, working in a Middle Eastern country. One day, he read one of the Bibles that someone had tossed in the trash, and he came to faith in Jesus. He was very excited about his new faith, and began to tell all the other trash men how they could know God. Four hundred of them came to faith in Christ! They met one day, and elected him their pastor.

When the other pastors came to lay hands on him and ordain him, it was obvious that they were very bothered by the smell. They wore gloves, and did not want to touch him. After they prayed for him, he and his friends had prepared a meal to share with them. However, they were all afraid to eat.

At the pastor’s conference, he was sharing his testimony. Again, it was obvious that the pastors were still bothered that he was a garbage man, and that he smelled funny to them. He knew that they were uncomfortable around him and decided to speak to their problem. He said, "I am a garbage man, but your life is trash. And the truth is, all of us are trash that Jesus has cleaned." They became convicted, and their hearts became tender. Mahfoud said he watched them repent of the way they treated this dear brother and they became his friends.

Please pray for this pastor and all of the other trash men as they seek to serve Jesus. Please ask God to give them wisdom in sharing their faith. Please ask God to protect them as they are serving in a very difficult field.

I am so grateful to my friends in Lebanon for the privilege of working with them to reach Syrian refugees for Jesus. They are so focused on serving God, and their lives challenge me to love Jesus more. Please pray for everyone involved in working with A New Creation. They are doing a precious work among children who really have nothing.


Early tomorrow, Monday, I fly out of Geneva, Switzerland to Frankfurt, Germany. From there, I fly to Atlanta, and will arrive late Monday afternoon. Please pray for me as I travel. Ask the Lord to make me a bright light, and to make me full of patience!

In Jesus,