Dearest Friends,
“I Heard The Bombs Fall”
Today, we were several stories up in the air on a friend’s porch. She had gathered together almost 50 children and their mothers. Most were Muslim.
I first met my friend many years ago. She had escaped the Syrian war. Still, many people she had loved had been killed. Everything she owned was lost or taken from her. My friend who had suffered so much, said this,”Though I lost everything, I lost nothing. I found Jesus.” You see, she came as a refugee to Lebanon and met my Christian Friends here. That is how she found Jesus!
For many years, I taught Bible studies at her home. Many Muslim ladies attended. Then, many terrorists came and for the last few years, I could not visit. Things are better now and today was a gift!
I was tying a balloon at the start of the programming and it popped. The little girl that is pictured above began to cry, uncontrollably. It was hard to calm her down. They told us that when she was still in Syria, she heard the bombs falling all around her. The sound terrified her. My heart broke for her and all of the other children. I ache for them to know Jesus and discover how He can take away their fear.
I prayed with them, but asked them to pray silently. There is a law among these people that if a family member disgraces the family, an honor killing is permissible. Following Jesus here is considered a great disgrace. I did not need to know what the children did. Would you please pray for these little ones and their mothers? Please ask God to draw them close to Himself!
We gave all the children backpacks full of gifts. Later in the year, you will be hearing about a Christmas outreach that we want to help our friends here to accomplish. Without the promise of gifts, the doors for the children to hear about Jesus will not open.
We are blessed!
In Jesus,
Linda and Kelsey