Dearest Friends,
Today we are leaving Cusco to fly to Lima and then , we take the night bus to Ayacucho. Sam will return to Brazil to prepare for his wedding the last Saturday in June. Our Brazilian puppet directors, Gerson and Fabiana Simoni will join our team. Gerson’s sister will soon be Sam’s bride. We are all so very happy and full of joy as we think about this wonderful day!

Please pray for us to have safe travel and especially pray that our equipment arrives with us. There is no time in the schedule to search for lost bags.

What will we remember about Cusco?
1. Yesterday , the team did a show for children in a clinic where almost every child arrived in a wheelchair. One little boy was yelling, "I love the puppets. I love the puppets!" They were all so excited and really grateful that we came. Sam told a beautiful story and even many nurses listened. Lisa said that it was her favorite show.
2. Our first show of the day had been at a military school where many of the sons and daughters of police officers attend. They would not let us pray with the children, but let me explain to them how to pray and trust Jesus. Their discipline was better, but it was still an adventure. The third show of the day was even more of an adventure, but the Lord always makes a way for the children to hear.
3. Sunday morning we were doing a children’s program, but it was an adult man that stood listening outside that I will remember. It was Father’s Day and I could not stop thinking about the kind of father he could be if he knew Jesus. His little boy was inside with us. Ask the Father to call him to faith!
4. The color of the Quechua ladies clothes was amazing. The markets exploded with beautifully knitted hats and lovely blankets.
5. There is so much darkness here. Llama fetuses that have been dried and hung in one market. They will be used as sacrifice to mother earth. My stomach turned and I felt like weeping because people are bound in such darkness. Even after people believe, they struggle to let go of the past and remove the 2 bulls with a cross from their roof. It is supposed to protect the house from evil and in realit, it is an invitation for evil to come.
6. We all loved the worship service Sunday night with our friends Steve and Aricelly Hobby. A small group of Peruvian believers gathered in a storefront and praised the Lord. We were all so blessed! More, we are all so grateful to our friends who worked so hard on this schedule and served as our translators

In Jesus,
Linda for