Dearest Friends,


This morning we will leave at 9AM to travel to our last show in Hungary. It is at an orphnage for mentally and physically handicapped children. We really need you to pray that we will be wise in the way that we share with these children. I have done so many shows in places like this, but I am always keenly aware that we need to have people praying for us. I know that these children need to know about Jesus and I believe that there is so much more they can understand than we know. I want them to see the Father’s love for each one of them! Please pray!


Sometimes, when we are doing the programs for the children, everything goes right. They have fun and they really listen. Yesterday was that kind of a day!

The first show was at a Christian school, but not all of the teachers were believers. Some were clearly unhappy as I began to tell the children about Jesus, but their displeasure did not affect the children. We heard them praying. Afterwards, I went and talked to a group of little boys. One was especially enthuiastic about his new faith. He had the biggest smile! Many people here claim a church, but too few of those often really know Jesus Christ personally. Please pray for the new faith of all of these boys and girls!

Late in the afternoon, we shared in a village. The crowd was more than 2 times as blg as they expected and still more children came. Their homes were broken by alcoholism and poverty. The children were really having a hard time, so it should not surprise you when I tell you that again we heard children praying out loud to receive Jesus as their Savior. All of the bad things in their lives made it easy for them to see their need. Please ask the Lord to give them great faith!


Today, begins our last day in this wonderful place and we stand in awe of all we have seen God do. Tonight, we teach our last class, hand over the equipment to the new team, and enjoy one last time of fellowship with the students! About 2AM, we leave for the airport. I doubt that we will sleep tonight!

Hold this day before the throne!

In Jesus,Linda for Sam,Silvana,Calah, and Billy