Dearest friends,

Little Joseph

We are in the jewel of Karoo, Graaf Reinette at an amazing farm in the country. A short time ago, we were in the town with so many children. I immediately noticed how jumpy the children were when I came near them. The pastor confirmed my fears. These children are often hit in their homes and by other adults.

I began to silently pray as I told the story, asking God to make the children feel safe. I asked a little boy to help me. I chose him to play the
part of Joseph because I thought he looked like he needed a hug. It is cold here and he was poorly dressed. I do nor think he was well cared for as he smelled so bad and was very nervous. My heart broke for him.

My heart broke for all of them. If I did not really believe that God does what God promises, I would cry all the time. I would loose myself in their pain, but I do believe. I know God sees and God cares. Pray for these children. So many trusted in Jesus. God is good!


Two hours from here, there is a small town that most people have left. Once the church had 800 members, but today less than a hundred the giant church on Sunday. Fourteen of those members would leave if anyone would buy their houses. Still there is a remnant of those who believe. They organized 2 amazing shows for us.

At 2 programs more than 1000 children heard stories about Jesus. The principle at one school was so happy that he asked us to never leave. The children laughed and cheered and prayed. One of the teachers was moved to tears as she thanked us. Pray for all the children who asked Jesus to rescue them!

In Jesus,
Linda, Josh, Teresa, Meg, Rina, Blom, Suzette, Eric