Dearest Friends,

I Am A Child Of God

Tonight we were in a village with lots of children. However, most were forbidden from coming to our program. We did the show in a small Protestant church. A leader from another church tradition told the people in the village that they were not allowed to come to anything at the little church. This made me very sad. The other leader is teaching people that good works will get them to heaven. The children are being lied to and they need the truth about God’s rescue plan for them.

The pastor and his wife are very sweet and really want the children to come to their church. Please pray for God to change this situation so that the children can hear about Jesus.

I want to share with you the testimony of one little boy who was at the church tonight. His mother told me this story.. When he was 7 years old, he said,"I know that I am a child of God." When she asked him how he could know this, he had a wonderful reply. He said, "My heart is full of love.!"

The I Club Show

Roma children from the village and Croatian children from the town attended our morning show. Everyone seemed to have a very good time! There was lots of laughter and clapping. One little was so cute. He asked to see the big bear puppet. Sam put it back on and came up inside the stage. When the little boy saw the bear, he was so happy. He kissed the bear twice on the nose. We all laughed.

My favorite part of the show was explaining to the children how they could know Jesus. There were also adults who came to the show and they really listened. Pray that the Gospel will take root in their hearts!

The I Club is a Christian internet cafe run by Andy and Lim. There is a big room in the back and that is where we did the show. I am so grateful to them for all they have done to make it possible for so many children to hear about Jesus!

To Churches

In another city very far away, we did 2 church shows. One church had a very large crowd and the other church had 20 people in a room that seats over 200. In one place, no one prayed, but in the other place many children trusted in Jesus.

I know that numbers are not everything, but I was concerned when I learned that on Sunday morning the church with the poor attendance is packed with more than 200 people. I asked the pastor, "Where is your church?". Children usually come with someone. That means that someone must make an effort to get them there. Few did. I asked the pastor to give his congregation a message from me on Sunday morning. I said, " Please tell them that an old missionary wanted to know where they were on the day we did a show for their children." He told me that he would relay my message.

Please pray for both of these churches to be bright lights in their communities. There is a lot of spiritual disinterest here and it is discouraging to the believers.Ask the Father to encourage them and motivate them to reach their neighbors for Jesus.

The Big Finish

Tomorrow, we will finish our time in Croatia doing shows in Roma villages. Today, between shows, we finished recording our training videos for the new team to use as a reference. Early Monday morning, we will start home and arrive in Atlanta around 4 PM the same day. Please cover all of these adventures with prayer!

In Jesus, Linda for Sam, Andy, Lim and the Croatian Team