Dearest Friends,
“You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.” Psalm 40:5
Before I left this morning to go do the shows, I was reading this Psalm. The words of this verse leaped off the page. I asked the Father to let these words describe what we would see today. He was so faithful! We shared with more than 2,000 children today, along with their teachers and many villagers. Again, we were the first foreigners that many of the children had ever seen and for most, it was the first time they heard the Gospel.
Amazingly, we were asked to come again next year! These invitations were given to us by Hindu principals. At one school we set up to do the show beside a temple that was on the school grounds. It was to the goddess khali, a particularly dark Hindu deity that demands a blood sacrifice. I thought it was very funny that her temple set right next to the school toilets.
We would especially ask you to pray for our driver, Ravi. He is a Hindu who has probably heard more Gospel presentations in the last two weeks than any other Hindu in Nepal. He has become our good friend and is always watching out for Anna and me. He is obviously being drawn by the Gospel as he watches the kindness that we are all offering to children who we do not know. I ache for him to know Jesus. We will have a lovely 7 hour drive tomorrow and another on Thursday, which should give us many opportunities to talk more about Jesus Christ.
Please focus your prayers on our friend Ravi. Please pray for us as we do our final 3 programs for Hindu children tomorrow. Once again, we will be in villages and under great spiritual attack. We need you to kneel so that we can stand. Thank you for praying. Thank you for sending us.
In Jesus,
Linda, Anna and Tika Ram Baral