Dearest Friends,

A Great Beginning

High in the mountains of northern Italy, we did our first show for children from 5 different churches, a few parents and a lot of young people. Fabiana and Gerson Simioni are the directors of Ágape Italy. It is their sweet faces and those of their children that you can see in the picture above..

It was a fabulous show! The puppets were amazing. The crowd was clapping and singing along with the puppets. They really listened to the story. One man told me that he watched the adults in the crowd become children again as their faces revealed how captured they were by the story. All of this joy was the sweet work of the Father! We were all so grateful to God for how responsive the children and the adults were to the program! It was all that we hoped for as many contacts were made for future shows and future puppeteers.

Before the show, I brought a short mission report to introduce the work we do with the children. I did not expect this blessing and was very honored to be a part of this special service. A number of young people and adults were getting baptized in the nearby river. The water comes out of the Alps and was fiercely cold!

It was a cloudy and sometimes very wet day, but nothing dampened their enthusiasm. Accompanied by a guitar, they sang everyone into the river and out again. In between, there was cheering and clapping. My heart rejoiced for each one of them!

It was a glorious start to the glorious adventure that Fabiana and Gerson are enjoying. Please pray for Ágape Italy!


I am in the airport in Germany headed home. I have seen the Lord do extravagant things. Tomorrow, I have more stories for you to enjoy.

In Jesus, Linda for ÁGAPE ITALY