Dearest Friends,

I am in Italy! We are launching Ágape Italy! Our wonderful directors from Brazil, Fabiana and Gerson Simioni, left their home in Brazil and are making a new home in Italy. Gerson’s grandfather is from here, so in a sense, he is coming home.

They are living in the small village of Solagna, at the base of the mountains, in the northwest of Italy. These mountains are the start of the Alps. In their village, the above image is attached to the wall of an old church. It marks the grave of a believer who followed Jesus possibly as early as 300 AD , though he might have lived as late as 800 AD. His name is not known , but he was a deacon. I think it is more important that we know that he served.

Tomorrow, 5 churches are coming together for a baptism service high in the mountains. We have been asked to do a show as part of the celebration. We are so happy! This is the start of Ágape Italy!!! Praise God! Please pray for this wonderful day!

In Jesus, Linda for Gerson and Fabiana Simioni