Dearest Friends,

1. God gave us a mud building full of the sweetest children! They were poorer than any group we have visited, but also the kindest.
2. One group of children sang to welcome us.
3. At all 3 shows today, the children clapped for the prayer.
4. Hundreds of children and young people prayed out loud, asking Jesus to rescue them!
5. The heat was brutal, but the work was so very sweet.
6. We visited an all girls secondary school and there were 270 teenage girls who watched the show. They were joined by another 150 kids from the school across the road. Some children stuck their heads under the fence and climbed to the top of it. Some climbed into trees just to see the show very similar to the one they had seen earlier in the week.
7. When we finished one show, a man who worked at the school came and asked us for a Bible in Luo, a local tribal language. He said , in very broken English, “Bible , I want Bible!” How wonderful! We have a plan to answer his humble request.
8. At one show, a boy blew a horn after everything we did that he liked.
9. Two out of three schools had no idea we were coming, but let us share anyway.
10. Our new puppet team at the orphanage did their first show for us tonight. We were so proud of them!
11. Daniel and Evangeline did the most wonderful job on their testimonies!
12. The Father blessed us beyond all our expectations! We were given 3 precious shows and more joy than I can explain.

In Jesus, Linda, Kelsey, Leslie, Drake, Josh, Teresa, Daniel, Evangeline, and our Friends at The Hope Center