Dearest Friends,
Julia’s Story
Some of you will remember that over a week ago, I asked you to pray for a little girl named Julia. She had come to a puppet show that we did at a park in Pestoia, and was so thrilled with the story of Jesus! She said, “I know when I tell my friends what I have heard, they will all want to come here!”
We were doing a show the following morning at a nearby church and invited all of the children from the park to join us. Julia very much wanted to come, but needed her father to bring her. I sent out a prayer request asking for you to pray that he would be willing to bring her. Amazingly, he brought her the following morning, and she never stopped smiling!
On that Sunday morning, Julia prayed with me and asked Jesus to be her Savior! Above you see a picture of her with me after she had come to faith. I had the joy of giving her the very first Bible she had ever owned. I marked the book of John so that she would know where to read. Please rejoice with me that many other children prayed along with Julia to receive Jesus on that same Sunday! Would you please pray daily for Julia and ask God to move in her father’s heart so that he will continue to bring her to church? He had obviously never been in a church before, and spent most of his time playing on his phone or going outside to smoke, but he came. Please also pray for her father as I would love to see his heart change. Please pray for the new church in Pestoia that is committed to reaching a city that is largely without a Gospel witness.
I am home from Italy, and so blessed by all that we have seen the Lord do. There is still more to tell you, but that will wait for another email. We have a puppet show this Friday at 6pm EST at Dowdy Park in Summerville, Georgia, and we need you to pray. Please ask the Lord to give us beautiful weather so that many, many children can come and learn about Jesus. Please as our Father to call many of them to faith!
In Jesus,
Linda, Danielle, and our new puppeteers John James, Ellie, and Janna