Dearest Friends, 

Years ago, we were at a housing project in inner city Atlanta. We set up to do the show and went to invite the children. However, only one little boy came out to watch the puppet show. I still remember the look on his face. He looked so hopeless as he said, “I guess you won’t do the puppet show for just me”. 

I smiled at him and said, “Of course we will do the show for you, because God sees you. You are a treasure to Him. He knows your name.” We kept our promise and did the entire puppet show just for that one little boy. It probably will not surprise you that he asked Jesus to rescue him that day! 

Over the years there have been many children like this little boy in Atlanta, and we have always tried to make an effort to see each one of them. Recently, my friends in Istanbul told me about a Syrian refugee little boy who is deaf. Every time they visit with him, they tell him about Jesus. When my friends did a puppet show, the little boy was so happy. He absolutely adored the puppets! They asked me if I would be willing to bring him his very own puppet. We honored their request, and did much more. They told me that he takes one of his new puppets with him everywhere he goes! 

Two years ago, he got a cochlear implant, but developmentally, he is extremely behind. He has been going to a special school that gives him the opportunity to improve his hearing and speech. He is still hard to understand, but it is a process. For the first year, he refused to wear his hearing aid. For a time, he refused to speak! Her report to me, was that the puppets have helped him to come out of his shell and want to speak! 

Your prayers have opened many doors for us to tell children, like this little boy, all about Jesus. Your generosity made it possible for me to help him, and so many other children! This coming week, I am going to Peru, and once again I need your help. I need you to pray. I need you to ask God to throw open doors for us to tell many, many children about His beautiful rescue plan! I also need you to give, so that we can help our 12 puppet teams in Peru with new equipment. 

Sam Shaw, our Irish director, is flying in to do a special training session on juggling. I need to cover the cost of Sam’s ticket, as well as the cost of the juggling supplies, as well as many puppets that I am bringing from America. Can you help me? 

If you feel called to give, you may do so online or by mailing a check. To donate online, simply go to and click the Donate button. To mail in support, make the check out to “The Agape Puppets” and mail it to 6550 West Armuchee Road, Summerville, GA 30747. Thank you for your prayers and support!

In Jesus, 

Linda for Sam, Misio, and our 12 Peruvian puppet teams