Dearest Friends,


Please forgive my long delay in writing to you, but please know God has been doing wonderful things here at home. We had an opportunity to lead a youth conference and work with former puppeteers who are the youth directors. Heather and Jared do an incredible job loving young people others would not see. One of the young people came and asked me how she could forgive a man who had done terrible things to her. She had been hurt in unspeakable ways by this evil man. Still, she ached to forgive him.

As I spoke to her about the forgiveness that only Jesus can give, I found myself thinking about another young girl that I met in Switzerland this year. I was speaking to a youth group and met a teenager who told me, "I don’t forgive anyone, anything, EVER!" She would not accept the forgiveness and hope that Jesus offered her. I am happy to tell you that the young girl that I spoke to at the youth group here at home had a different response. She was so open to hear about how Jesus could take away the pain in her heart. Please hold her in your prayers.

We have done a number of shows and been blessed to see many children respond to God’s rescue plan for them. It always touches my heart when children seek me after a show and say thank you. It is a blessing for us every time we are asked to do a show. Please contact us if a puppet show could be a blessing to you.


In October of 2017, we will offer a weekend of puppet and storytelling training hosted by Subligna Baptist Church here in Summerville, Georgia. This is the first time in years that we have offered to do training for people here in the United States. I am asking God to send us 7 groups of people who would like to form a ministry team in the area where they live. Are you one of these groups?

Please contact us if you are interested in being part of this training as space is limited. Please pray with us that God will call people here in the United States to reach their people to Jesus. As Americans, we are very blessed financially and sometimes it is difficult for us to spend our free time not on ourselves but on ministry. Still, I know that there are groups of people who are being called to work with children here in America. This will be an amazing opportunity for you tor receive training in every area of puppet ministry, including storytelling, puppets, testimonies, balloon tying, illusions, and more.

Please cover this event with prayer. Please email us and be a part of this amazing event!


This fall has given us some sweet opportunities to bring reports to churches who support the puppet ministry. I am very grateful to all of you who pray for us and give to us so that the children of the world can hear about Jesus. I consider it a great honor to have these opportunities. If any of you would like for me to come to your church, please email me so we can make plans.

We also have an incredible Christmas program with the puppets which you might like to have in your church. Please begin to pray for the ministry we are scheduling in December.

In Jesus,
Linda for Kelsey, Drake, and Leslie