Dearest Friends,

Since we came to India, I have seen so much trash. It lines the roads, covers the streets, and often you smell it. I love the Indian people and I often wonder what their country would be like without all the trash and the blight of idol worship. I have watched many people picking through the trash as we passed dumps. These very poor people have nothing and search for anything of value so they can eat for the day. I saw a family of five living in a large box at a dump. I have no words for how the children suffer.

We have traveled from northeast India to southern India. Now we are teaching at Rehoboth Bible School. We already have an enthusiastic team here and are training new members. Please pray for their understanding of many new ideas.

Last night, we did a program for hundreds of orphaned little girls. All the students came, too. We felt the presence of God’s sweet spirit and we smelled sweet, too! The placed a log garland of jasmine flowers around our necks.

Pray for these precious little girls to find their Father in a relationship with God the Father. Pray!!!

In Jesus,
Linda for Sam and many Indian team members