Each night on the street is a wonder! All of the stories that you are about to read are from one evening of shows that we just finished in Galway, Ireland. It is 12.30 at night here and we have just finished a time of prayer for all the people we had an opportunity to speak to tonight about Jesus. Everyone is so excited! We are tired, but absolutely amazed at the response of the crowds tonight.

For many years, we have done street outreach in Galway, but we have never seen such enthusiastic responses. As I finished telling the story of Peter walking on water tonight, the crowd clapped and cheered. Most of the people in the crowd would be quick to tell you that they do not share the same faith that we have, so we know that this response came from the Holy Spirit touching their lives.

Yes, we had our share of drunks and interesting moments as always, but we saw God do some very sweet things. We left the street with a real sense of joy because we knew that God had spoken to many people. It is wonderful to have the privilege of telling these dear people about Jesus Christ. Please pray for all of those that you are about to read about. Please pray for our two sets of shows in Galway tomorrow, one at 3pm and one in the evening. We cannot wait to see what God will do!


Tonight I was out on the street tying a balloon dog for a little boy. You never know what God can do with something as small and unimportant as a balloon. As soon as he received the dog, the family began to thank me in French. I quickly realized that this was a divine opportunity for our French puppet director Anna who is also with us. I went and got Anna out of the stage and the words that you will read now are from Anna.

“Michel and Elisabeth are the parents of a dark-haired little boy with big eyes and a nice smile. He loved his balloon dog. His parents were unusually open to hearing about the things of God and the sacrifice of Jesus. They were so hungry to hear about heaven and the only way to get there. The mother, Elisabeth, was almost in tears by the time we ended the conversation. Please hold this family in your prayers, that they might not forget what they heard today, and that they might come to put their trust in the Lord Jesus.”


Every year that we have been in Galway, there is a very drunk man who comes to our shows and dances and plays an imaginary guitar. His name is Patrick. Please pray for him because he is so broken and so desperately in need of Jesus. We’ve had many conversations with him but tonight he seemed friendlier than before. I do not know the cause of his pain but I do know Who is his answer. Pray!

The Garda (police) stopped tonight to ask us if Patrick was bothering us. We told them no, that Patrick was fine. He did interrupt the Bible story and the band’s time of sharing, but it really wasn’t a problem. It was actually a blessing. It gave all of us an opportunity to show him God’s love. We were all aware that the crowd was watching us to see how we would respond. Would we show him love and patience the way the Father loves us?

When the Garda first stopped, we all thought that they were coming to tell us that we could not continue. Instead of shutting us down, they took CDs and thanked us for being on the street. Please pray for these police officers to find their peace in Jesus Christ.


So many conversations took place tonight with people, either while the band was singing or we were doing the puppet show. Please pray for Rita who is a very angry lady and might even be demon-possessed. She screamed at us tonight and accused the band of playing the devil’s music. She needs your prayers as she is a very troubled lady who has obviously been hurt by many people.

Tonight our friend Joe shared with a man from Spain and a man from France. He presented the Gospel to both of them. Please pray that they will put their trust in Jesus.

Please pray for a man who spoke with Nikita and Nathan tonight after we finished. He said that he was an atheist but seemed confused about where he really stood with God.

Dara is an alcoholic and needs to be delivered from his love of drink. His greatest need is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

James is from Tralee and needs to find his hope in Jesus Christ. Padraig plans to follow up with him over coffee. He seems very open.

Please pray for Grace and Emma who are two lovely young girls. I was tying balloon animals for them and we had a good conversation. Both girls thanked me for the Bible story that they had heard and told me that it was beautiful. They thought that going to church would be enough to get them to heaven. Please ask God to show them that the only way to heaven is through faith in Jesus Christ.

Please pray for Bill who also puts his trust in church attendance. He does not understand his need for a Savior.

Please pray for Whitney who is from New York. When Valerie spoke to her, she said, “You’re the second Christian I have met this week!” It seems that God is pursuing her. Please ask God to give her hunger for Himself.


This morning I read a passage of scripture in 2 Cor 6:3-10. Tonight Dana was challenging all of us to remember to always speak with love and humility. I shared these verses and they encouraged us. I hope that they will encourage you as you share with people about the hope of Jesus Christ.

“We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way by great endurance in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger, by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love, by truthful speech and the power of God, with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left, through honor and dishonor, through slander and praise. We are treated as impostors and yet are true, as unknown and yet well known, as dying and behold we live as punished and yet not killed, as sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing everything.”

These were just the verses that many of us needed to hear. I hope they encourage your heart.
Love in Jesus,
Linda for
Heather, Mykayla, Krista, Seth, Sam, Silvana, Anna, Flora and the entire Reality team