Dearest Friends,


We are in Chosica, just outside of Lima at my friend Donna Saune’s home. Due to the transportation strike today, Wednesday, we will not be doing any programs today. However, we will be doing extra training for our team here this afternoon. The time that we spend training nationals is key to our plan to reach the children of the world for Jesus. By God’s grace, we can do a good job sharing with children, but a national will always do a better job.

We finished our time in Cusco training on Monday. It took all day, much longer than we had expected. However, we left Cusco confident that they had the training that they needed. Please pray for our new team in Cusco and for our team in Chosica.


Tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, we will be doing programs in schools. On Saturday, we will be sharing at an orphanage. Please ask God to pour His Spirit on these times with the children. Pease thank God that we are all feeling better and have more energy.

In Jesus, Linda for
Logan Souther, Malachi Armstrong, Gerson and Fabianna Simioni, and the Chosica team.