Dearest Friends,

By God’s grace, we were able to go and do the shows that our prolonged visit with the police kept us from doing the day before. These shows were in very dark places where the children had heard little or nothing about Jesus Christ. At two of the three shows, we heard hundreds of children calling on Jesus, asking Him to save them. Praise God!

At one village school, there were no trees on the property. It was fiercely hot and very miserable for the children. I asked the teachers why there weren’t any trees. They told me that they had planted trees, but the children were so hungry, that they dug them up and ate them. Can you imagine?

At this particular school, they had no space big enough for all of the children. So, one of our friends, who had been training with us, did a program for all of the younger children while we did a program for all of the older children. More, many villagers came desperate to see the rest of the program. They squeezed into every window and even stood in the doorways for over an hour. Still some were not able to see, so when we finished, Sam went outside and did a small program for them so that they were able to hear about Jesus Christ.

These people in this village were tribal people, who, due to a decrease in rainfall, had left the forest where they lived. They worshiped bears and were drawn to our opening song because we were singing with a giant bear puppet. We did not know they were bear worshipers, but God used this so that they could hear the gospel.

These children were attending a Christian school. Please pray for them to grow strong in their new faith.

Because of the gift of $5,000 from two supporting churches, we were able to pack and give 35 story teller backpacks to young Indian men and women. We gave these to the graduating seniors from the ACA seminary program as well as others that we identified who work with children. They are from some of the most difficult places in India, places where we would have difficulty gaining access. Some of them were also from Burma and Manipur. Each backpack contained puppets, balloons, and story telling supplies so that they could go into villages across India and share with the children. Please consider. . . on this trip to India we shared with 18,500 children in two weeks. Can you imagine how many tens of thousands of children these brothers and sisters will reach for Jesus Christ?

I would like to ask you now while this is fresh on your mind, to make the funding of this project an item on your church budget. I have already identified 35 young people who want and need this equipment by next February.The advantage of the backpack is that it enables you to do a great program and then put it on your back and run. In many of the places where these young people work, they may need to make a hasty departure. More, it is not easy to carry larger amounts of equipment on public transportation or walking.

This project presents you with a unique opportunity to reach children for Jesus who live in some of the most difficult places in the world. Will you help? Will you see their need?

Please forgive the delay in you receiving this letter. Coming out of India I got a stomach bug. I can honestly tell you that I sat in the bathroom on the air plane praising God for His timing. It was so much better to be sick when we had no programs for the children. More, the stewardesses became concerned about me, had me sit in the galley, and it gave me a wonderful time to share about the children. By the time we got to Frankfurt, I had started to come down with the flu and developed bronchitis. So, I have been in bed since I have returned home on Friday. I am doing so much better now, and expect to fully recover very soon. Please also pray for Will, as he has the flu. When you travel as much as we travel, you can expect to be sick. However, we are all very grateful for God’s timing in these matters.

In Jesus,
Linda for
Sam and Silvana Shaw
Will and Ali Jackson.