Dearest Friends,

Sunday afternoon, we were at an orphanage in a city where Communism is still very strong. Written over the main door to the orphanage were some words that our friend Alexandru said he had never seen at any other orphanage. They stated that this was a place for orphans, children who had no parents and children whose parents would not care for them. Maybe you don’t think that is so bad, but try to see it from their point of view. Every time they walk through that door, they are reminded that there is no one who wants them, they have no value. I thought it was very harsh as did my friends. I also have never seen such words at an orphanage.
We set up outside and had a special time with the children. They were so attentive and hungry to hear about God’s love and how they could forgive others when they had been forgiven. Loudly, children prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior. One child laughed at others as they prayed, but they continued to pray. Some even came and told me afterwards that they had prayed. Praise God!

Yesterday was Sunday and we worshiped in Moldova with a large crowd of believers. Many are the first in their families to believe. A precious few believed and stood the test even under the threat of Communism. They are heroes of the faith who withstood persecution and great temptation. There are not many in this group because Moldovans are very mission minded. Many have gone to other Eastern European countries and even into Afghanistan. Many have immigrated to other countries.

Kim preached this morning on 1 Peter 1:3-15. His opening statement grabbed my heart. He talked about how Peter was writing this book when he was near his death. He said, "If you were about to die, would you speak about the weather or the price of walnuts (there are many walnut trees in Moldova)? No! You would tell them the truth. You would talk about what is most important ." I thought, how none of us know when we will die, so it is even more important to speak the truth daily. Please pray for us to be wise and speak the truth each day of the 5 remaining days that we are in Moldova.

Then, he described what Peter says we need to have so that our faith will grow. We need virtue tempered with knowledge, self-control and perseverance. Finally, we must show godliness, brotherly affection and love. Only the Father can do this work in us. Pray for us that our lives would show these qualities to the children. Each day, things happen that stretch us and force us to lean harder on the Father. Pray that we will not fail the tests that the Lord gives us and always remember to smile during the adventure.

I kept thinking of the words of David Brainerd, a pioneer missionary to the Indians in the 1700’s. I love what he wrote. He said that "I cared not where or how how I lived, or what hardships I went through, so that I could but gain souls to Christ." It is our friends here who truly model David Brainerd’s words with their lives!

We also began training our new team yesterday and will meet with them 2 more times. Also,we are meeting with our team that is 2 years old and giving them more training. They are all incredible young people with a driving passion for Jesus. Pray for them as they go daily to many shows with us and attend training classes.

In Jesus,Linda for Marsha, Kim,Gwen, and Drew