Dearest Friends,


Many children in Liberia lost both parents to the war. Today we shared at an orphanage with over 200 children. Some had parents who simply lost all hope and abandoned them. Today, they heard about a Father who will never leave them. Many put their trust in Jesus. Your prayers are calling thousands of children to the Father.


We set up in a market in front of a UN Checkpoint staffed with soldiers from Ghana. Beside us was the "Mohammed Phone Charging Booth." We were in a Moslem area where Bassa was the common language. God sent a cloud and we were able to share more since people weren’t so hot. Everyone listened. Every big man came to watch the puppets and listen to the Bible story. God gave us a sweet privilege!


Some of you will remember how the chiefs in Cameroon in April showered us with gifts. We received a live goat, 2 live chickens, a stalk of bananas, and 50 pounds of potatoes. Today, a local church voted to send us a live rooster as a thank you gift. The pastor personally delivered him to us at our home.

We are staying in a rural area near the city of Buchanan. The pastor and his wife lovingly gave Sam and Silvana their own bed. Calah and I, along with the pastor and his wife are sleeping on foam mattresses on the floor. These people are very kind. They sacrificially care for us.

Each night we come in very tired and hot. They have already hauled water from the well for us. We take a bath using a bucket and a scoop. Then we save the water so that we can hand wash our clothes. We must wait until morning to hang them outside because they would be stolen during the night.

It is the rainy season here. Constantly people during the day move our clothes on and off the line. Everyone is very thoughtful.

We are a curiosity. In a town on 30,000 people, we are the only white people. When Sam rides down the road in the back of the truck, people call out to him. They say, "Hello white man." Some say "Look! White man." Everyone here also finds me different. My long white hair is strange. People call me "Mother."


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In Jesus,

Linda for
Sam and Silvana Shaw
Calah Sager
Ben and Loretta Munford