Dearest Friends,


Yesterday was the most wonderful day! We traveled to Scoraicesti, a small town, and 2 villages, Cornatal, and Poboru. We did 3 shows and each one was a delight. Your prayers opened unbelievable doors for us to share in 3 public schools. The children and the teachers were very responsive as they cheered, laughed, and listened. Praise God!


At the first show, a little girl said something that no one had ever said to us before. She was seven years old with long brown hair and a big smile. She came up to me after the program and said, “Thank you for the circus.” We all laughed and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out which ones of us were the clowns.

The teachers and director were so happy with the program! They served us coffee, refreshments, and the children presented us with flowers. It is a lovely thing when people who do not know Jesus as their Savior are so happy hearing the Gospel.

The principal told me that I was made for this job. I appreciated her encouragement, but each day I understand how God has a special purpose for each one of us. His plan is the best! All of us are so humbled and blessed that God made all of us for this work with the children. We love our job! Pray that those who He has made for this job in Romania will hear His voice and respond.


They Mayor of the 2 villages went with us and personally introduced us to the schools. More, he helped carry our equipment. He loved the program, thanked us for our “extraordinary” gift, and kissed me on both cheeks. He invited us to come again, so the door is open for our new Romanian team to share. He is a very sweet man, but desperately needs Jesus. Please pray for him to seek out his pastor friend Joseph and ask more questions about the Gospel.


Yesterday, we were given a gift. Our pastor friend had been chased out of one village many times, but God turned their hearts. He persisted, he did not give up and God blessed his prayers. We were welcomed and invited to return.

Today, some of the teachers refused to bring their students to the program when they found out that we were Christians. Still, in both shows the room was full. The teachers who came were not all believers, but all expressed their gratitude for the program. God touched their hearts.

There are many teachers here who oppose any Christian teaching. Please pray for God to soften their hearts. One Director refused to even greet us because she did not like Christians. Please pray for this dear lady to come to faith. God knows her name.


Four days this week, for almost 4 hours a day, we are teaching the students here at the Bible Institute. They are very eager students who are enthusiastic about their lessons. Please ask the Father to bless their efforts and help them to remember all they are learning. Please ask the Lord to give us strength as we are doing 3 shows a day and then teaching for 4 hours. We are blessed, but tired.


1. Driving down the road to a show, we saw a giant stork’s nest perched on top of a telephone pole.
2. In the villages today, we passed 2 small restaurants with English names. One was called Donald, the other, Lewis.
3. A big snow fell shortly before we arrived, but there is still a lot on the ground in some places. For those of us from Georgia, Brazil, and Ireland, we count this a blessing.
4. There are a lot of street dogs here that travel in packs. They are not allowed to kill them because of their membership in the European Union.
5. Every morning as we leave the camp, we see deer and fox running in the fields. From our window, we see huge snow capped mountains. Wow!
6. Each day, we see people in the villages driving horse drawn carts instead of cars.


1. Pray that the children and teachers in Scoraicesti, Cornatal, and Poboru will spend today and all the days that follow thinking about Jesus Christ and their need to know Him.
2. Pray for Pastor Joseph. Ask the Father to make his church a bright light for the Gospel. He is working in all of the places that we have been yesterday and today.
3. Pray for the children of Bircii and the other places we visited today to remember the story they heard and trust in Jesus.
4. Pray for the children of Pitesti where we will be doing programs tomorrow, Thursday. Ask the Father to give them a hunger to know Him.

In Jesus,

Linda for

Sam Shaw – Assistant Director
Silvana Shaw
Calah Sager
Toby Simmons
Naomi Armstrong