Dearest Friends,


You will love the latest update on our brother in India, Aleaxander. God surely put him in prison so that He could use him to reach the prisoners for Christ. I feel many days as I read the reports from all over the world that it is like reading stories from the book of Acts. Rejoice!

"In jail, they had a blessed time. Alex MS informs that they could share gospel with other prisoners and have got 41 contacts. 14 prisoners accepted Christ as their Savior out of which 7 were formerly strongly opposed to the Gospel. In one of the blocks of the prison, the inmates already have a prayer fellowship going on. Wilson David, a convict is coordinating it. Our Brethren could conduct two Bible studies with the prayer fellowship. Wilson David has dedicated his life to serve God once he completes his term in prison. Our Brethren greatly rejoices for the opportunity God gave them to serve Him in the prison. There are injuries in the body but our Brethren are in cheerful spirits."

Truly, truly we serve an AWESOME God!!!!!


On Tuesday, we will leave for South Africa! Please begin to pray. More details tomorrow.

In Jesus,Linda for the team