I always tell the children to trust God in good times and in bad times , but in Dublin, we have had very wet times. At 2 sets of our shows, we stood in heavy rain praying for better weather so that we could share. Though the rain did not stop, we were able to share with so many people. There were incredible conversations with people as our friends continued to pass out free Cd’s of the band’s music with Gospel tracts. Last night, when we were rained out, the band did a program that we called "Reality Unplugged". They sang and used an acoustic guitar.
Sam and I shared without the benefit of many of the tools that we are accustomed to having. I will confess to you that I missed the equipment, but I also want to praise God. In spite of everything, we saw the Father open precious doors. I talked with a lady named Lousie who told me that she did not know what would happen to her when she died. Worse, she did not care. She told me that she was done with religion. I told her that I was done with it too and tried to tell her about Jesus. I wanted her to see that religion is man’s effort to reach God and that the story of Jesus is God reaching down to man. She would not listen! Please ask God to soften her heart.
Many Muslim’s stopped and spoke with us at different times on Saturday. One man was with his daughter and was quite angry as he told me that Jesus was not the son of God. His face twisted as he said that Jesus was only the son of Mary. I watched his daughter’s face as she listened to her Father and I. He was so angry and God gave me the grace to smile and speak of hope and love. I remember being a little girl who saw that my mother did not respond as others did when people offended her.She forgave them. I remember her teaching me that love never gives up. Her example made a big difference in my life. Please pray that this little girl will remember the difference and come to faith. Pray for all those who heard the Gospel in the rain.
Since it did not rain on Friday, we were able to do several full sets of shows. I saw such hunger as people listened to the story of the prodigal son and dared to hope that they could have a home with Jesus. It was a sweet outpouring of God’s spirit. On Friday evening, the Lord gave us a great gift. As Nathan shared with a young man from Germany, he asked Jesus Christ to be his Savior.Praise God!
My favorite conversation on Saturday was with 2 boys, about 12 years old. They came up to me on the street and wanted to know why we were there. I began to tell them stories from different places where we worked and all of them told the boys about Jesus.One boy would not listen and eventually talked the other boy into leaving. However, there was a long time wher I watched one boy’s  eyes light up as the story of Jesus grabbed his heart. Please pray for both boys to come to deep faith.
Please pray for the children that we will share with as we do 2 shows for kids at church this morning. Please ask the Father to make us light!
In Jesus, Linda for REALITY and The Agape Puppets