Dearest Friends,

A Great Day

By 12:00 today, Tuesday, Shadi and I had already told 3 groups of Muslim children the story of Joseph. We had used his forgiveness for his brothers to talk about how we could all have forgiveness and offer it to others when we were forgiven through faith in Jesus. Many of the children had called on Jesus and all were happy with the stories they heard. Well, almost everyone. Two boys had covered their ears when we prayed. We said nothing, but one of the Muslim teachers rebuked them and said , "What were you doing? They told you that you could just watch them pray. They gave you a choice. You should not do this! " How sweet that our defense was from one of new Muslim friends. Truly, these doors that God gives us are incredible! What a great day!

These children were asked to draw what they are thinking about…..what they like. One child drew his family though he was unsure how to put his father’s multiple wives in the pictures most drew bread and money. They are all refugees and living in some terrible places.

We spent 4 hours today giving our team more training. This team is eager to learn and very teachable. They give me great joy and they gave me a sweet finish to the day. Please hold the children that we were with today and the puppet team in your prayers!

Evil Men and Big Problems

This is a place where there are evil men who seek to keep children from hearing about Jesus! Our last 2 shows were cancelled because of pressure such men exerted on the 2 schools we were to visit. Please ask the Lord to open these doors. Our team can still walk through them even after I go home.

Many are not safe tonight. Villages in our region were bombed today by warplanes from another country. We are safe but we have done shows in these areas and we know people in some of these places. Even those who are strangers to us need your prayers for safety. A large car bomb also killed people today and sent many to the hospital. Pray!

On Thursday morning, we will leave the mountains and travel to the capital city so that I can fly home very early Friday morning. We must pass through an area that has much unrest in the last few days. A lady died. Property was destroyed. Please pray for our safety.

There is no peace in this place. This is exactly where believers should be. We have hope and peace and know how not to be afraid because of Jesus. Ask the Father to make all of us shine brightly for Jesus!

My Muslim Friends

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we have my last meeting with the ladies group that I have been teaching. It is our third visit this trip. Please cover this time with prayer. Ask the Father to keep all of us safe as I am concerned about the ladies who come. They risk much. We also have to be careful traveling there and in how we schedule.

We met together on Monday and enjoyed a precious time together with many new ladies attending. Imagine introducing people to the Bible and Jesus and faith who have never heard. It is an incredible opportunity and also scary. I must get this right! It is very sweet working with Shadi because He can make sure that all is said in the best way for Muslim ears. This truth gives me great peace!

These ladies tell me that they love me. They love Shadi, a pastor. One said that she holds me with her eyes. It means that she is watching out for me. What an unlikely friendship! Only God could give us such a sweet surprise!

Words fail me when I try to describe their response to the Gospel! They loved it enough to beg us to come again. How are such wonders possible? Only God can do this!

In Jesus, Linda for Shadi and our puppet team