Dearest Friends,


Our trip to New Mexico has been a beautiful gift from God! Since the puppet ministry began 29 years ago, I have been asking God for an opportunity to share to Native American children. I saw the Father answer our prayer by giving us an opportunity to share with Navajo children. More, we are already planning future ministry with our new friends here in Farmington, New Mexico. Several new Navajo friends expressed interest in helping us schedule future shows. They loved the show!

Roger and Carol Kittle moved here A few years ago, leaving behind 19 years of ministry in St. Elmo, Tennessee. They had been building their retirement home and had thought to finish their ministry in that place. However, God had other plans. Roger is now the pastor of a Navajo church and they are having so many opportunities to work on the Reservation. We have been discussing ways to partner with them so that many Navajo children can come to Jesus.

Yesterday, we shared with the church and in the afternoon, we shared at a Navajo children’s home. Though we did not see as many children as we would have wanted to see, God used this trip to throw open the door for continued ministry in this place. My heart is full of joy! Yesterday we could hear one little boy calling on Jesus. It was a beautiful sound.

Please pray for all of the children and adults who watched the puppet show yesterday!


Many people in the Navajo nation live lives bound by superstition even if they are Christians. Roger told me a story about a Christian lady who came to him very frightened. For three nights, she heard an owl at her home. In their beliefs, this means someone is going to die in the home. She trusted in Jesus, but she still clung to old beliefs. Roger explained to her that God has not given us the spirt of fear and gave her the verse of 2 Timothy 1:7. She was so happy to know that God’s word had answers for her. Roger told me that there is a great need for discipleship among the believers. Please pray for all of the Navajo Christian to stay strong in their faith and abandon all false teachings of the past.


For the next two days, we are driving toward Yakima, Washington. We are still trying to pick up a show tomorrow with a group of children. Please pray for safe travels, but especially pray we can have this opportunity in Boise, Idaho. Thank you for covering us with your prayers.

In Jesus,
Linda for
Caelan, Kelsey, Erin, Ian, and Drake