Dearest Friends,

Italian Lessons

No, I am not learning Italian, but I am learning even more about the kindness of our Father! The other night, I felt the Lord telling me to take a walk after dinner. So, I did. Gerson walked with me. We were standing outside the local Catholic Church, admiring the view of the river and the mountains. Then the door to the Catholic Church opened and the priest stepped out. This was the same man who had been at the school ceremony where Fabiana and Gerson did a program the other night.

With Gerson acting as my translator, we talked for a long time. We covered many subjects, but I was praying, asking God to give me wisdom as to how to share His hope with the priest.

The Lord opened a beautiful door! I told him the story of meeting an African chief in Cameroon years ago. He really listened! I wanted to be a blessing to him, and this story includes how the children prayed, asking Jesus to rescue them. It is a fantastic story, complete with bananas and a live goat. I am so grateful that the Father prompted me to take a walk!

Airport Lessons

Checking in for a flight is always an opportunity to be reminded of the Father’s love and care for us! in order to enter Italy without quarantine, I had to fly a Covid-free flight, which put me on a different airline. Five different gate agents yelled at me, told me I would never get all 8 bags on the plane and walked off. I had a particularly unheroic response… I wanted to cry! Finally, a sixth agent came and all my problems disappeared! This lady was a Christian, and when I told her what I was doing, she said: “Glory to God! Praise Jesus! Don’t you worry. I will get your bags on the airplane! No problem!” And she did!

More, I was having so much trouble with a new form they wanted so that the European Union could track me in Europe. The Lord sent a Verizon/Apple expert who saw my problem and fixed it. Also, he was on his way to a meditation retreat in Mexico, and I was able to talk with him about the power of a relationship with Jesus over any group of magic words.

The Father always has a better plan, but I allowed myself to be overwhelmed by my present reality. Still, He rescued me!

Praying Lessons

Every battle is won on my knees, but the support needed for the Italian project really illustrated that truth. I think the need for this project is hard to see because Italy is a place people think about for a vacation, not for a ministry opportunity. I needed to pray and wait. I am thrilled to report that we now have almost $5000 dollars toward our $7000 dollar project. Praise God, and please keep praying!

In Jesus, Linda