Dearest Friends,

So Many Blessings

Pictured above is our team in Verona. On Sunday, I had the joy of delivering a lot of new equipment to them which they will use in 4 shows this coming weekend.

Everyone has been waiting for the opportunity to get back to work. Last Saturday, our lead Italian team, the Simionis, had the opportunity to share at a Catholic kindergarten school graduation that had been delayed. We were also blessed to pass out Bible Storybooks to all of the children!

Sunday morning, I brought a mission report to the church at Verona where our team there is centered.

Early this morning, we took a walk along the river near their home and appreciated God’s beautiful creation!

I had a wonderful conversation with a new Italian friend about how to really walk with Jesus and have real hope!

I am blessed to report that we now have $1500 dollars toward our Italian project! Praise God! If you want to help with this opportunity, please reply to this email.

In Jesus, Linda