Dearest Friends,

Soooo Many Blessings!

I have been happily running very hard since I arrived in Turkey last Wednesday night! This is the best trip that I have ever had to Turkey! It is incredible to see all the doors that have opened. I am incredibly grateful to my friends here who have kindly made all of this happen!

I want to share with you some of the blessings that your prayers have made possible! Please understand that names and many details cannot be shared. Please continue to pray for a great outpouring of God’s spirit on this very dark place.


1. An African lady who had grown up as a Moslem, shared with me how she came to faith as a teenager. Her mother forbid her to go to church, but made one big mistake ( this was how my friend told it to me). Her mother allowed her to go to Sunday school. They disciplined her well! I hope this encourages all of you who teach Sunday School! In the last days of her mother’s life, she also came to faith! Praise God!

2. I did a puppet show for a group of Syrian refugee children and their mothers. It was beautiful to share with them how Jesus could rescue them. Then, I had an opportunity to just talk with their mothers. This especially blessed me because they asked questions about Jesus and listened well to the answers.

3.A little 11-year-old girl asked me for a book of more stories like the one I told her about Jesus. She could read Turkish and a friend had a Turkish Jesus storybook Bible that she could give. Please pray for this little Moslem girl who is so hungry to hear about Jesus! Ask the Lord to protect her and her mother who are so open to the hope of Jesus!

4. I shared at a special dinner that my friends did for many families. You cannot imagine how hard they worked! You would have been so blessed to see their response to the Gospel! They asked about my husband, Mike, and where he was. They were truly sad to hear my answer, but the story of Mike’s life and death, may help them find life! Though they were visibly touched by the stories I told them, they could not publicly respond in front of others. For most people here, this is not a safe place. Turkey is over 98% Moslem.

5. I had the joy of sharing with Afghan ladies and their children. I was asked to tell the story of Jesus’ death, but not the resurrection. As I was finishing, the leader told me to go ahead and tell the resurrection. I was so happy that I jumped up in the air and shouted “Yippee!” I did not actually know that I could jump like that. Then as they asked questions, I was thrilled to hear what they asked. It was the sweetest time that I had ever had with this group of ladies! Please pray that the answers will grow in their heart and bring deliverance from darkness into light!

6. I met with a number of families that were mostly Iraqi. I told a story about Jesus walking on water and then they asked questions. There are no words to adequately describe my great joy as they asked incredible questions about how to know Jesus as Savior!

7. Arabic and Kurdish speakers watched a puppet show and listened well as I told the story of Jesus calming the storm. Every door that the Father opens is an an incredible gift!

In Jesus, Linda for many friends who cannot be named