This country has experienced more war in the last 30 years than peace. Though it has been good here the last several years, the children still remember. To a child, it does not matter who was fighting or why, they just hurt.
Several teachers have talked with me about many students they have who struggle with terrible memories. They remember the bombs or they saw someone die. Please ask the Father to comfort these children with the peace that only Jesus gives. Only Jesus can take away their pain.


Today, children from four Armenian schools gathered for a puppet show. I learned wonderful things about their culture. Their alphabet has 36 letters, each with a different sound. There are no letter blends in their language. The children thanked us profusely. “Thank you” in Armenian literally translates “we receive grace from God through you.” I thought that this was awesome!

They live in a very difficult place, in an area of the city that was marsh land. The Director of the school has a real heart for these children. He encouraged us to walk through the narrow streets and see how the children live. The buildings are very old, tall and the sunlight never touches many of the streets. The area is always humid, unbearable in summer.

Near the school is a large trash dump. He told us that the smell is so bad on warm days that it is impossible for the students to concentrate. They are also located near the harbor. On the days when they bring cows, the smell is horrible. Again, the children cannot study.
They want very much to preserve their culture, though they have been in this country more than 80 years. The children learn to speak fluent English, Arabic, and Armenian. I at least learned to say hello in their language, “Parrev”.

All of the children forgot their troubles at least for a little bit of time. They laughed and enjoyed everything. I heard a few children softly calling on Jesus. As they left, many children said to me, “It was beautiful.”

Thank you for praying for these children today. The Father answered your prayers as they received the Gospel with joy!


At our first show this morning, the 3 and 4 years olds wanted to join with the rest of the school, grades K-6. I told the teachers that I was sure they could not sit for an hour. I expected the large puppets and the loud sounds in my storytelling to scare them. The teachers begged and I said ok, with their promise that they would take the children out if they got upset or frightened.

Today, I heard a precious 4 year old child praying with me, putting his trust in Jesus. I had forgotten that my youngest son Matt was 4 when he put his trust in Jesus.

I was wrong. The children sat spellbound during the program and were not afraid of anything. I apologized several times to the teachers.

I always teach people in our training seminars that it is important to be humble if you want to be a good teacher. Today, I had the opportunity to practice my own lesson. Pease pray for me as my heart’s desire is hear the Father and to be a blessing to these children.


Tomorrow, Saturday, we train our new puppet team and we need you to ask the Father to bless us with wisdom as teachers. Please pray that our students will learn very quickly and have enthusiasm for this ministry.

You can praise God for a training time we had this afternoon for three hours. Forty Sunday school teachers and Christian school teachers gathered for a class. Their enthusiasm for what they were learning was great. They thanked us, hugged us, and told us how they planned to try new ideas with the children they serve. Praise God!

In Jesus,
Linda for Sam and Silvana