Dearest Friends,

Closed Countries

We have many teams in closed countries that we supply with equipment through friends in other countries. A closed country is a place where it is very difficult for an American to go as a missionary and Christians are usually being persecuted there. When we receive reports from these places , we will randomly include them with the reports from whatever country that we are presently serving. For the safety of our brothers and sisters in these countries, we will never report to you the actual places.

Truthfully, we have been doing this type of work for years. We have many puppet teams in places where people willingly risk everything they have and even their lives to share the love of Jesus with children. In one of these coutries, our friends were able to hold 2 different meetings and train more than 100 children’s workers. More , they were able to supply them with needed supplies and equipment because of your generosity. Everyone who came to the meetings learned how to use balloons to teach Creation and present the Gospel using different colored balloons. They received lessons on how to use puppets and draw pictures with chalk so they could tell Bible stories.

Four key leaders received special training and equipment so that they could train others.
They sent the following prayer requests. Please ask God to open doors for us to share with our children. Ask Him to make us bold since we are forbidden by law from sharing with small children. Please ask God to make it possible for the supplies and equipment that we need to pass unnoticed through security checkpoints. Ask God to give us His vision for this work.
Please pray specifically for this place as God knows exactly who you are praying for!

Sunday Morning

We worshipped today in Chinese and English, at 2 different services. We also did a puppet show outside for 80 children and their parents. The rain came and the children prayed with Melody asking God to stop the rain. There was no other place for us to do the show that was big enough and all the children were so excited when the rain stopped. What a sweet lesson to teach children!

Many times we were told to give a clap for the Lord. We all smiled and clapped. Peter’s son had made a DVD on our ministry in Taiwan so that the church could see what God had been doing. It was awesome! At both, I gave a missionary report and my testimony. One dear young girl was so moved that she came and kissed my hand. Then it was my turn to be so blessed. Sam shared about Ireland and how God is moving in that place. Hannah, Heather, and Mykayla sang a beautiful praise song, "Knowing You Jesus". which blessed everyone. The words are the desire of my heart and I want to share them with you.

All I once held dear
Built my life upon
All this worlds reveres and wars to own
All I once thought gain, I have counted lost,
Spent and worthless now compared to this.

Knowing you Jesus
Knowing you
There is no greater thing,
You’re my all, you’re the best, you’re my joy, my righteousness, and I love you Lord.

I know that many of you have heard this song, but it never fails to refocus my heart.

Mountain Ministry

Tomorrow,Monday, we return to the mountains for 2 days and then back to the city for one last day of ministry before we fly on Thursday for home. These last few days are very precious to us. Please ask God to pour out His spirit on this time. We have so few opportunities remaining and we ache to see children come to Jesus. Pray!

In Jesus,Linda for
Sam,Heather,Hannah,Mykayla,Jon,Peter, and Melody