We were having trouble scheduling today and our good friend Lucy arranged for us to have 2 shows at her school. We did the first program for the elementary aged children and the second show for high school aged students.
This was a Christian school, but it is full of many non-Christian children and non-Christian young people. It was a great opportunity because we had complete freedom to share Jesus. Another team from the states was with us today.  The Lord really encouraged us when one of their young men told us that he could feel the spirit moving.
The first show was difficult because the children were very talkative, but some were responsive. One little girl began praying out loud with us. She was very brave and soon others joined her.
The high school students were very quiet during the prayer. Afterwards, a group of boys came to see me. Four of them shared that they had put their trust in Jesus. I love what the Father does! I love how He calls children and young people to faith.
Coming from the mountains to the city is a bit of a shock. Time seems to have stood still in the places where we have been working. There were few cars. The people were mostly dressed in traditional Quecha clothes. Often, we stopped for herds of sheep or cows. The people live mostly in handmade mud brick homes. The floors are dirt. Children walk great distances to get to school.
The other day as we walked down a dirt road to see some remote Incan ruins, we saw cow manure piled on top of a wall. They were drying it so that they could use it for fires for cooking. As we looked across the mountains, we saw that they were divided into patchwork squares of small fields.
Now, we are near Lima and the noise never stops. Always there is traffic. The children have different problems, but the answer is the same. They need Jesus. Please ask the Father to give us His eyes so that we will see clearly without being distracted by all that is a city.
Please pray for our schedule. We need more work as we do not want to waste a single precious moment in Peru. Tomorrow is a special day at the schools  and too busy, but we have been blessed with one school that will let us come. Please pray for more doors. Please thank God for His faithfulness.
In Jesus, Linda for Susan, Jacob, Heather, Mykayla, and Billy