Dearest Friends,

We are in such a beautiful place, surrounded by tree covered mountains shrouded in mists. It is a joy to see God’s creation so amazingly displayed. Still, in the midst of all of this beauty, there are so many children who are hurting. There are so many little ones who ache to be loved.

Today, we shared with over 200 children at 2 shows and about 30 adults at an assisted living facility at a 3rd show. Many children came to me after the shows to thank us. Some just wanted a hug. I heard many stories about moms and dads who were not acting as loving parents. For most of the children it was their parents’ words and threats that hurt them more than being hit. Pain goes away quickly, but hurtful words linger in the soul and destroy hope.

I told all of the children today that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their lives. As I explained that Jesus came to rescue them, I saw some listen harder. I talked with them about being forgiven so that you can forgive others. Then, they began to pray. At first, it was a single voice that spoke the words of the prayer in a soft whisper. Quickly, other voices joined and soon, they were praying louder. I saw this happen twice today.

Please pray for all of these little ones who trusted in Jesus today. Ask the Lord to give them big faith. Some of the children we were with today need prayers for safety. I prayed with a little one today who is afraid for her life. All of the children need you to not fail to pray for them. Ask the Father to give them more opportunities to learn about Jesus.


Please continue to pray for team members for Ireland. Today, I had to repent of worrying over this matter. Now, I am trusting God to provide. He is always faithful!

In Jesus,
Linda for Seth, Jared, Paige, Mykayla, and Heather