Dearest Friends,
Smiles, Laughter, and Prayers
Today, we were welcomed to an Orthodox school by 2 nuns who have become our friends. In this place, hard lines are drawn dividing those of different church backgrounds. Ours is considered a strange friendship.
Last year was our first opportunity to share at their school and they loved the program. They were thrilled to see us today and insisted we remember them next year when we plan our schedule. We did 2 programs, presenting the Gospel to over 450 children plus their teachers. Some of the children were from a Muslim tradition and some were from a Christian tradition. Some children bowed their heads and called on Jesus, asking Him to save them. The nuns were very happy but some of the teachers were very unhappy with what we said.
I did not care because I was too busy enjoying the children’s faces. They stared at with wonder in their eyes. They were so captivated by the power of God’s stories. I think sometimes when we have walked with Jesus for a long time, we forget how very special God’s stories are, especially when you are hearing them for the first time. I want to always have the children’s sense of wonder. I want to always have joy as I tell them about how the one true God treasures them.
A House Fellowship and Prayer Requests
I shared my testimony at a house meeting tonight. The room was full of people from different places in their spiritual walk. It is so sweet to be a part of this work. Please pray for these friends to come to deep faith and be light to the watching world.
Saturday and Sunday we have shows for refugee children . We expect hundreds at each show, so please ask the Lord to help the children listen well. Please pray for order as we give out the gifts. The children are great, but sometimes their parents give us a lot of trouble. Please pray for the weather as we have had mild weather the last few days, but there is a possibility of a big storm on Monday. Ask the Father to make us Light in the dark.
In Jesus, Linda for Shadi, and a precious national team