Dearest Friends,


In 5 days, from Monday to Friday, we did 16 programs and heard hundreds of children trust in Jesus! God is kind to us. He has allowed us to be in some of the most difficult places for children in this city. They suffer all l kinds of abuse and they ache for someone to see them. Their response has been incredible! Twice on Friday the children yelled, " Encore! Do it again!."I did not know these little guys knew the word "encore". I was delighted. Everywhere we went, they asked me when we could come again. I have received an ocean of hugs and smiles. All of us hear their laughter and smile.

At a wonderful inner city ministry, The Christian Community Center, one lady spoke to me. She said that we were the best thing that they got all year.. While it is a bumbling thought and a blessing, I do not want to be their best thing. They deserve better. They need more. These children are so precious to the Father and Tom, the Director, could really use more help. If you are reading this email and live in the Baltimore area, contact him and ask how you can bless these children. You may be their answer to prayer! You can find them on the web.

Yesterday was their day to rest, but they also worked to train a team for Ireland. Then, a sweet friend treated them to a baseball game.Today, we are bringing mission reports and doing puppet shows at churches. Please pray!

Tomorrow, Monday, we will travel to Philadelphia to a show and then on to New York. Cover these travels with your prayers!

In Jesus, Linda for the Summer Team