Dearest Friends,


In the last day and a half, we have done 11 shows in Galway and the band has done 11 sets of songs. Everyone is exhausted, but very happy. Galway has given us great joy. We have shared with people from Italy, India, Iran, France, Brazil, Serbia, the Philippines, America, and all over Ireland. The response has been incredible! After almost every song, story and testimony, people clapped and sometimes cheered! This response has been a great encouragement to everyone.

We have had many more children attend these shows than we did in Dublin. This reality delighted us. It seems that we had more families attending the shows than any other year. You should have seen their smiles and heard their laughter. We also had many teenagers and older people attending. It seemed God was calling people of all ages to attend these shows and listen to His words of hope. The crowds were huge and we had only minimal opposition. Still, sometimes parents would drag their children away as soon as I said “Jesus”. The children would look back and try to listen as long as they could.

Please pray for all of the people who came to the shows. I would love to arrive in Heaven one day and see many people who heard about Jesus while standing on a street in Galway.


Sunday night, we finished our time in Dublin. As always, street shows provide some amazing opportunities to tell people about Jesus. Most of the people who come are usually not church attenders. When I was telling the stories, I would stare into their eyes and see the pain and the hurt and wonder if they were really listening. There were wonderful moments when I knew that they heard the stories with their ears and their hearts. Sometimes they would tell us their stories, but most of the time they would just stand and stare and we would pray.

We did shows in the afternoon on the street in front of the Central Bank. The day before we came, there had been a big protest march, but when we arrived there were just lots of people. The buses stopped nearby and there were many places to sit. It was a perfect place to talk to people about Jesus.

I was amazed at the response of people this year. Many felt very free to shout at us, telling us God is dead or what they thought about Jesus. Some people heckled the puppet team as they would give their testimonies, though most seemed unwilling to bother Sam. Funny things happen to you when you are on the street, when you stand in the middle of people’s broken lives. Sweet things happen as you look into their eyes and see that they are listening with their hearts and with their souls. We tell them how they can trust Jesus and how they can have hope. We tell them how Jesus can take away their fear and solve any problem.

Sometimes, I forget how amazing Jesus’ claims are, but then I hear myself telling them to people on the street. I realize that what Jesus offers is really incredible! No one else makes the promises He does. Please continue to pray for the hundreds and hundreds of people that came to the different shows. We really want them to meet Jesus and know His peace.


Sunday morning at St. Mark’s in Dublin, we had an incredible opportunity to do a full hour program for over 60 children. I asked the children if going to church made you a Christian. Half the room thought that this was the correct answer. We explained to them that it is only faith in Jesus that makes you a Believer. So many of them prayed to receive Christ and asked God to rescue them! Please pray for these children to grow deep in their faith.


Today we are traveling to Limerick. We need you to go ahead of us in your prayers.

In Jesus,
Linda, Anna, Jaimie, Jillian, Billy, Joe, Sam, Silvana and Reality