Dearest Friends,

Haitian Migrant Workers

I began last night’s show by saying , "Hello! My name is Linda. Welcome to this place!"However, I said it all in French. Everyone started to smile and some people clapped. Honestly, I was as surprised as you probably are to hear that it worked.

We were in New Jersey and the crowd in front of us was very unique. More than half of the hundred plus people were Haitian migrant workers and spoke French. The other half was Korean. Twenty years ago a Korean blueberry farmer saw that these people had many needs and decided to listen to the Father’s voice and help them. Along the way, he has shared Jesus with thousands and thousands of Haitians.

Last night, God provided us a translator. They loved the show. When Jesus calmed the storm, they all clapped. When I shared other things He did, they clapped again. Some cheered. Wonderfully, we heard some calling on Jesus. Praise the Lord!

Two Inner City Shows

We are working in Philadelphia and watching God amaze us. Yesterday, we brought a mission report at our sweet friend’s church in the heart of the city. He acknowledged that there was garbage everywhere. He talked about the police helicopters flying overhead. Andy Kim is one of those rare souls who can see the problems , but does not miss the beauty. As he preached, it was obvious that he looked at that community with the Father’s eyes. I love working with someone like Andy who has real vision for these children that most people refuse to see. Pray for him!


As Drake came out in his Goliath costume, I asked the children to guess who he was. One little boy shouted, "Asparagus." Drake says that he guessed "Spartacus". I heard "Asparagus". I also heard children calling on Jesus, asking Him to rescue them. It was a great show!

In Jesus, Linda for Drake, Victoria, Kelsey and Carley