Dearest Friends,
What is God doing in Brazil?
These wonderful pictures should give you hope. So it is not possible to work in most of Brazil, it is possible to do some work in remote areas in the north. These pictures encourage me because it is so wonderful to see children hearing awesome stories about Jesus. Most of our teams are having to use video presentations to reach their children.
Brazil has been particularly hard hit by the Coronavirus. They have one of the highest infection rates in the world. Brazil has a population of more than 210 million. We have 18 teams in Brazil, but as you can see, we really need more. Please ask God to raise up more people to reach Brazil’s millions of children for Jesus. Please ask God to encourage and strengthen the teams that we do have. In the best of times, many are working under extremely difficult circumstances. They need you to stand with them in prayer. Please rejoice that children are still coming to faith even with the threat of Covid. Please ask God to call many Brazilian children to faith.
What is God doing with our matching fund drive?
I am thrilled to report that most of the $10,000 has been matched! We plan on using these funds to reach many children for Jesus in 2021. Thank you for praying for us and for giving! This week I was listening to Scripture and enjoying the story of the widow who gave all that she had. It made me think of many of you who have been so kind and so thoughtful giving to The Agape Puppets. Thank you again for giving!
In Jesus,