Dearest Friends,

Two Villages

Today we travelled to two different villages, and had a wonderful time in both villages! The children were much better behaved, and I believe that is because many of you were standing with us in prayer. I hope you enjoy the pictures above where you can see many children smiling. These children have never seen puppets or storytelling, and they were so engaged! More importantly, most of the children had never heard about Jesus and His love for them.

We gave all of the children Albanian Jesus storybook Bibles as well our tracts in Albanian. They were so very very happy! There are no churches in these villages, do the materials we are giving the children are extra important. They do not have transportation to get into the town of Bilisht where there is a church. Please pray that they will read the stories. Please pray that the church in Bilisht will devise a plan for establishing house churches.

God is Awesome!

We received an invitation to share at a local school, but there was a problem. We were told that we could mot talk about God or Jesus. This morning our friend Gayle went and met with the principal. It was s very comical. The principal stayed in her second story office and was shouting out the window. Gayle was down below trying to explain to her why we needed to have more freedom.

I had sent out a prayer request to many people to pray specifically about this opportunity. The principal did not want a “religious” program. I advised Gayle to tell the principal that we did not like religion either. We defined religion as a set of rules that cannot be kept and frustrate children. I want children to know how precious they are to God, how He loves them and cares for them. I want them to know that Jesus sees them as a wonderful treasure. In order to tell children these important truths, I have to be able to talk about God the Father and Jesus the Son. The show is at 9am on Thursday, which is six hours ahead of eastern standard time in the United States. God is doing beautiful things in Albania!

In Jesus,

Linda, Sam, and Danielle