Dearest Friends,
Our last show in Nepal was at a Catholic school. We had hundreds of children come and were especially thrilled to have this opportunity! The show went really well, and they wanted us to come again. The Catholic priest came to me after program, and I think he wanted to compliment me. He said, “You are a powerful old woman!” I choose to believe this was a compliment so it took everything in me not to laugh.
In the two weeks since I have been home from Nepal, we have done two local shows. One was in a church, and one was outside for an Easter egg hunt. At the first show, we heard a precious little boy calling on Jesus. It was also at this show that our youngest puppeteer, Caleb, who is nine, gave his testimony for the first time! And at the second show we heard dozens of children praying so loudly, calling out to Jesus to rescue them!
However, at both of these shows, I seem to have the same problem I did with the Catholic priest. The children seem to believe that I was alive when Jesus walked the earth. It is a good thing that I am entertained by these comments, and not upset by them. I laughed and laughed!
Please continue to pray for Nepal and all the work that we have undertaken there. Please rejoice with us in all the Hindu children that put their faith in Jesus!
Northern Ireland and Turkey
Tomorrow, Wednesday, I leave for another trip. I will be working with the Irish band in a tourist area that has many visitors on spring break from Belfast. Most of these children never go to church, so it has long been our plan that we spend Easter with them. Please ask the Father to give us good weather for our street shows and to call many people to faith in Jesus.
After I finish in Northern Ireland, I will be traveling to Istanbul, Turkey. There I will be sharing with Syrian refugees. I am especially excited for this opportunity to be with these children and their mothers again. I am carrying a lot of equipment for our partners in ministry. Please pray that none of the luggage gets lost and that everything arrives safely.
Some of you will remember that when I was in Italy in February, I mentioned about making a video with our Italian directors, Fabiana and Gerson Simioni. We went on top of a snow-covered Italian to film the story and puppet song for you. Please follow the link below this message to view a story that is especially appropriate for Easter and a puppet song that expresses what many of us think about Easter.
In Jesus,
Linda for my Italian, Irish, Nepali, and American puppet teams, and my friends in Turkey