Dearest Friends,
So very thankful!!!
I want to begin this email by thanking everyone for how kind you have been in the death of my Lebanese puppet director, Mahfoud. I have appreciated your texts and emails and felt all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for Mahfoud’s family, as they adjust to life without a beloved husband and precious father.
I really appreciate all of you who have sent money for us to buy coats, as well as all of you who have sent coats! Please begin to cover this project with your prayers as we hope to reach an unreached village with the hope of Jesus. It is not too late to participate in this project for Nepal, as we are not packing the coats until February 1st. If you wish for us to shop for you, please donate online or send a check to the address at the bottom of this email. Thank you for your generosity!!
I will be teaching two women’s seminars in Nepal and as always, we will be handing out Bibles. Each Bible will be printed in the most common Nepali dialect and will cost $8 each. A poor family will often save for 5 years trying to buy a Bible, and not succeed. $8 is not a significant amount for most of us who are reading this email. If you would like to participate in providing Bibles for these families in remote villages, please donate online at https://theagapepuppets.org/donate/ or send a check to the address below. Thank you for caring about all of these people that you may never meet until the other side of Heaven!
Love in Jesus,
Linda for a very excited Nepali puppet team
Linda Summer
6550 West Armuchee Road
Summerville, GA 30747
Please make out all checks to Agape Puppets