Dearest Friends,
I arrived in Brazil on Tuesday. God was so gracious. It was an easy trip with many blessings along the way! I especially enjoyed talking with the 12 year old boy and his father who sat beside me on the long flight to Brazil.
His mother is Brazilian and his father is Syrian. The were very kind to me! The boy told me with great confidence that God did not exist. He dismissed the miracles in the Bible as scientifically impossible. His father escaped Syria because of the persecution of the Christians. His cousin was brutally killed. However, he is from a church tradition that teaches him that he can be good enough to get to heaven.
He very much wanted his son to believe in God and encouraged my conversation. Please pray for this 12 year old boy to read the book of John as I challenged him to do. Please pray for both of them to have deep faith and embrace Jesus’ wonderful rescue!
I had no problems in customs and arrived with all of the equipment in perfectly good condition! This trip, I bought in 7 bags of equipment for the many teams we have here in Brazil.
I am in the town of São Sebastião, on the coast of Brazil. It is an especially beautiful place that is home to our Brazilian/Italian directors, Gerson and Fabiana Simioni. We have worked together for almost 20 years and they are amazing!
We have spent the last 2 days taking care of many details and organizing all of the new equipment for the 9th annual Ágape Puppet Conference. Please pray for all of us as we travel to Registro in the Ribeira Valley. We cannot wait to see what the Father does as many people gather from all over Brazil to learn how to better tell children about Jesus’ wonderful rescue!
In Jesus,
Linda for a very excited Brazilian team