Ukraine photos
Dearest friends, You will find a few photos online for Ukraine at: You will find the Ireland photos online at In Christ, Linda
Dearest friends, You will find a few photos online for Ukraine at: You will find the Ireland photos online at In Christ, Linda
Dearest Friends, GRAVEYARD KIDS The people in a small village noticed movement around one of the graves. It was a very old grave, shaped like a large mound. Together with the police,Read More…
Dearest friends, Our friend Ira who has scheduled all of our shows in zoporozhie, has suddenly been taken to the hospital. Please ask God to heal her so that she can travelRead More…
Dearest Friends, AN AMAZING PLACE We are staying in the most incredible place! Many years ago during the years of communism, the government built enormous cultureal centers in all of the villagesRead More…
Dearest Friends, VILLAGE MINISTRY In the villages, time moves backwards a 100 years. You see more horse drawn carts than cars. The bathrooms are usually outside. Most people can only travel asRead More…
Dearest Friends, Four village schools Yesterday in four villages, Romnamvka, Broniki, Tupollsi, Nesolon, we saw God do wonderful things. The children stared in wide-eyed wonder at every part of the program. TheyRead More…
RGVhcmVzdCBmcmllbmRzLA0KDQpGb3VyIFZpbGxhZ2UgU2Nob29scw0KDQpZZXMgdGVyZGF5IGlu IGZvdXIgdmlsbGFnZXMsIFJvbWFtdmthLCBCcm9uaWtpLCBUdXBvbGxzaSwgTmVzb2xvbiwgd2Ug c2F3IEdvZCBkbyB3b25kZXJmdWwgdGhpbmdzIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBzdGFyZWQgaW4gd2lkZSBl eWVkIHdvbmRlciBhdCBldmVyeSBwYXJ0IG9mIHRoZSBwcm9ncmFtLiAgVGhleSBoYWQgbmV2ZXIg c2VlbiBwdXBwZXRzIGJlZm9yZSBvciBzbyBtYW55LnBlb3BsZSBmcm9tIGRpZmZlcmVudCBwbGFj ZXMgYXQgb25lIHRpbWUuICANCg0KTW9yZSwgZm9yIG1vc3QsIGNoaWxkcmVuIGFuZCB0ZWFjaGVy cyB0aGlzIHdhcyB0aGVpciBmaXJzdCBvcHBvcnR1bml0eSB0byBoZWFyIGFib3V0IEplc3VzLiAg VGhvdWdoLCB3ZSB3ZXJlIG5vdCBhbGxvd2VkIHRvIHByYXkgd2l0aCB0aGUgY2hpbGRyZW4sIHdl IGV4cGxhaW5lZCB2ZXJ5IGNsZWFybHkgaG93IHRoZXkgY291bGQgdHJ1c3QgaW4gSGltLiAgVGhl eSByZWFsbHkgbGlzdGVuZWQhDQoNCk1vc3QgYW1hemluZyB3YXMgdGhhdCBpbiBhbGwgdGhlc2Ug cGxhY2VzIHRoZSBkaXJlY3RvcnMgaW52aXRlZCB1cyB0byBjb21lIGFnYWluLiAgVGhleSBzYWlk IHRoYXQgdGhleSB3b3VsZCB3YWl0IGZvciB1cy4gIE9uZSBkaXJlY3RvciBzYWlkICJZb3UgaGF2 ZSBicm91Z2h0IGxvdmUgZnJvbSBhYm92ZSB0byB0aGVzZSBjaGlsZHJlbi4iLiAgDQoNCkF0IG9u ZSBzY2hvb2wsIHdlIHJlY2VpdmVkIGFuIGFybSBsb2FkIG9mIGZsb3dlcnMgZnJvbSB0aGUgY2hp bGRyZW4uICBUaGV5IHdlcmUgc28gZ3JhdGVmdWwgdGhhdCB3ZSBoYWQgY29tZS4gIFdlIGFyZSBt b3JlIGdyYXRlZnVsIGZvciB0aGlzIGluY3JlZGlibGUgb3Bwb3J0dW5pdHkuICBXZSBsb3ZlIHdv cmtpbmcgaW4gdGhlIHZpbGxhZ2VzISAgDQoNCg0KS2FyaW5hDQoNCkxhc3QgbmlnaHQgYWZ0ZXIg YSBzaG93IGF0IGEgY2h1cmNoLiBhIGxpdHRsZSBnaXJsIGNhbWUgdXAgYW5kIHNwb2tlIHRvIG1l LiAgSGVyIGZhY2Ugd2FzIHJhZGlhbnQuICAgSW4gRW5nbGlzaCwgc2hlIGtlcHQgc2F5aW5nICJU aGFuayB5b3UgdmVyeSBtdWNoLiIuICBJIGZlbHQgbGlrZSB0aGVyZSB3YXMgbW9yZSBzaGUgd2Fu dGVkIHRvIHNheSwgc28gSSBhc2tlZCBmb3IgYSB0cmFuc2xhdG9yLiAgDQoNCkthcmluYSB0b2xk IG1lIHRoYXQgc2hlIGhhZCBuZXZlciBiZWVuIHRvIGNodXJjaCBiZWZvcmUgdGhhdCBuaWdodC4g IFNoZS4gSW50cm9kdWNlZCBtZSB0byBoZXIgb2xkZXIgc2lzdGVyIElyYSB3aG8gaGFkIGFsc28g bmV2ZXIgdmlzaXRlZCB0aGUgY2h1cmNoLiAgQmVzdCBvZiBhbGwsIHNoZSB0b2xkIG1lIHRoYXQg c2hlIGhhZCBwcmF5ZWQgdGhhdCBuaWdodCBhc2tpbmcgSmVzdXMgdG8gYmUgaGVyIFNhdmlvci4g IEhvd2V2ZXIsIEkgaGFkIGFscmVhZHkgZ3Vlc3NlZCB0aGF0IGJ5IHRoZSBsb29rIG9uIGhlciBm YWNlLg0KDQpQbGVhc2UgcHJheSBmb3IgS2FyaW5hIHRvIGNvbWUgdG8gY2h1cmNoIGFuZCBsZWFy biBtb3JlIGFib3V0IEplc3VzLiAgQXNrIEdvZCB0byBjYWxsIGhlciBmYW1pbHkgdG8gZmFpdGgu ICANCg0KDQpQcmF5ZXIgDQoNClRvZGF5IHdlIGFyZSBpbiBmb3VyIG1vcmUgdmlsbGFnZXMgYW5k IHRvbW9ycm93IHdlIGdvIHRvIG5ldyBwbGFjZXMuICBQbGVhc2UgYXNrIEdvZCB0byBob2xkIG9w ZW4gdGhlc2UgZG9vcnMgYW5kIHBvdXIgSGlzIFNwaXJpdCBvbiB0aGlzIHdvcmsuDQoNCkluIEpl c3VzLA0KDQpMaW5kYSBmb3INClNhbQ0KT2tzYW5hDQpBbm5hDQpIYW5uYWgNCkthdGllDQpQYXN0Read More…
Dearest friends, We arrived in Ukraine yesterday 11th September. We had no lost luggage, praise God!!! Pray for us today as we do 5 shows in villages and we have 4 tomorow.Read More…
Dearest Friends, This Sunday, September 10, we leave for Ukraine. As I was preparing to go, I was thinking about how Mike was planning to make this his first trip to Ukraine.Read More…
Dearest Friends, Safe Home We are "safe home." This was the blessing our friends spoke to us as we all said good-bye at a party Tuesday night. There were lots of tearsRead More…
Dearest Friends, IMPORTANT CORRECTION to a pervious email!!! We meant to write Remember all of our shows in the street are done in the open air. That is why we kept askingRead More…
Dearest Friends, BLESSINGS Thank God for the many blessings that the Lord has given us in Ireland! RememberÂall of our shows on the street are done. 1. A little boy who cameRead More…
Dear friends, This afternoon and evening we will be going onto grafton st in Dublin to do shows. We need you to pray for two things, the weather, that it would notRead More…
Dearest Friends, ORLAITH Orlaith is one of the angriest little girls that I have ever met. She tried to throw a chair through the puppet stage. She and he friends did buryRead More…
Dearest friends, STORIES Be blessed and challenged by the following stories that you read. These are some of the children, teenagers, and adults that we are praying for. Pray with us. ARead More…
Dearest Friends, Tralee Would you stand in the wind and rain to listen to a Christian band? Soaked and cold, would you stand another 30 minutes to watch a puppet show andRead More…
Dear friends, We need you to pray, hundreds gather in the rain to watch the programs, but we need you to pray against the rain. The band and the puppet equipment areRead More…
Dearest Friends, CHILDREN PRAYING We are in Northern Ireland! Straight from the Dublin Airport yesterday, we went to do a puppet show for the children in Belfast. They live in a veryRead More…
Dearest Friends, We leave today for Northern Ireland and Ireland. We are flying British Airways into Gatwick airport and on to Dublin, Ireland. Please hold us in your prayers as this isRead More…
Dearest Friends, COURAGE Often people tell me that I have great courage I quickly tell them that this is not true. I am not brave, but I know what courage looks like.Read More…