India Photos
Dear Friends, We have more photos online at: In Jesus, Linda for the team
Dear Friends, We have more photos online at: In Jesus, Linda for the team
Dearest Friends, Unbelievable Blessing! For the last 2 days, we have been traveling. God has poured His Spirit on these 2 days. All of the Hindu schools that we visited last year,Read More…
Dear Friends, We have some of our india photos online at: In Jesus, Linda for the team
Dearest friends, Santosh and Hindusri Santosh is a little boy who put his trust in Jesus. His parents were strong Hindus and took him to visit many Hindu temples. They did manyRead More…
Dearest friends, We are in india with all of our luggage, thank you for praying. We had no problems at customs. This was a miracle, as we were about as suspicious lookingRead More…
Dearest Friends, Fire A large group of orphans enjoyed the puppet show. These children came from many difficult places and have all found a good home at the Asian Christian Academy. AllRead More…
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RGVhcmVzdCBmcmllbmRzLA0KDQpXZSBhcmUgaW4gaW5kaWEgd2l0aCBhbGwgb2Ygb3VyIGx1Z2dh Z2UsIHRoYW5rIHlvdSBmb3IgcHJheWluZy4gIFdlIGhhZCBubyBwcm9ibGVtcyBhdCBjdXN0b21z LiAgVGhpcyB3YXMgYSBtaXJhY2xlLCBhcyB3ZSB3ZXJlIGFib3V0IGFzIHN1c3BpY2lvdXMgbG9v a2luZyBhcyB0aGV5IGNvbWUuICBXZSBoYWQgMTYgYmFncyBib3hlcyBhbmQgdHVicywgd2Ugd2Fs a2VkIHRocm91Z2ggdGhlIG5vdGhpbmcgdG8gZGVjbGFyZSBsaW5lLCB3aXRoIG5vIG1ham9yIGRp ZmZpY3VsdGllcy4NCg0KVGhlIHRpbWluZyBvZiBvdXIgYXJyaXZhbCBpbiBpbmRpYSBzaG93ZWQg aXMgR29kcyBwcm92aWRlbmNlLCBHb2RzIHJlYWwgY29uY2VybiBmb3IgZWFjaCBvbmUgb2YgdXMu ICBIb3VycyBhZnRlciB3ZSBhcnJpdmVkIGEgc3RhdGUgd2lkZSBzdHJpa2Ugd2FzIHBsYW5uZWQu ICBUd28gc3RhdGVzIHdlcmUgZmlnaHRpbmcgb3ZlciB3YXRlciByaWdodHMuICBCeSBtb3JuaW5n LCB3ZSB3b3VsZCBoYXZlIG5vdCBiZWVuIGFibGUgdG8gcmVhY2ggdGhlIGNhbXB1cyBhcyB0aGUg cm9hZHMgd291bGQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIHVuc2FmZS4gICBBcyB3ZSBkcm92ZSBob21lIHdlIHBhc3Nl ZCB0eXJlcyBidXJuaW5nIGluIHRoZSByb2FkLCBpdCB3YXMgZXhwZWN0ZWQgdGhhdCBjYXJzIHdv dWxkIGJlIGF0b25lZC4gIA0KDQpPdXIgZmlyc3Qgc2hvdyB0b2RheSB3YXMgYSBtaXJhY2xlLCBt b3JlIHRoYW4gNTAwIGNoaWxkcmVuIGNhbWUgYW5kIG1hbnkgb3V0IHRoZXJlIHRydXN0IGluIEpl c3VzLiAgVGhleSBnb3QgZG93biBvbiB0aGVyZSBrbmVlcyBhbmQgcHJheWVkIG91dCBsb3VkIGFz a2luZyBKZXN1cyB0byBiZSB0aGVpciBTYXZpb3IuDQoNCkluIDMgdHJpcHMgdG8gaW5kaWEsIHdl IGhhdmUgb25seSBzZWVuIHRoaXMgb25jZSBiZWZvcmUuICBUaGlzIGlzIGEgZ3JlYXQgYmVnaW5u aW5nLiAgQ29udGludWUgcHJheWluZy4NCg0KDQpJbiBKZXN1cywNCg0KTGluZGEgZm9yDQpKZXJl bXkgU25vdw0KQW5uYSBNYyBJbGx3YWluZQ0KU2FtIFNoYXcNCkhhbnNvbiBNYW5vdmENCg==
Dearest Friends, Tomorrow we leave for India! Our hearts are so full of joy for what we saw the Lord do in Slovakia and we pray that we will see the sameRead More…
Dearest friends, Blessings, There are so many stories that we have not had time to tell you. Enjoy these blessings. 1) In a small village 200 children gathered in a culture center.Read More…
Dearest Friends, Snow and Whispers Its snowing. We are all so happy. This is the mildest winder Europe has seen in 50 years. They have had no snow in Slovakia. However, todayRead More…
Dearest Friends, The Gift Yesterday, we told children how God could be their Father. The crowd was mostly Gypsy teenagers and they hung on every word. We were all aware of theRead More…
Dearest Friends, A Red Paper Crane Tonight, I recieved a beautiful gift. A little boy who was at a school show that we did earlier today, came this afternoon to the churchRead More…
Dearest friends, I need you to pray, my mother has had a mild stroke. I am still in slovakia and this is very hard. I know Jesus Christ because of my mother.Read More…
Dearest Friends, Gypsy School Today’s story began two years ago on our last trip to Slovakia. We did a program where the director of the school was not happy with us whenRead More…
Dear Friends, For any of you who had trouble viewing the pictures, the website seems to be up again, you should be able to view them now. In Jesus, Linda for theRead More…
Dear Friends, Photos of the trip so far are online at: In Jesus, Linda for the team
Dearest Friends, Two Worlds Today, we visited the place that I wrote about the other day, a place in Kosice where many gypsies live. Most are children and all belong to oneRead More…
Dearest Friends, Passport Disaster I wanted to share with you what happened in Frankfurt the day that I lost my passport. It seemed that I was living out the mother"s nightmare inRead More…
Dearest Friends, Cancer Hospital Most of the children who came to this show were attached to IV’s. These children are very, very sick and most will not get well. One little boyRead More…